Pennsylvania Center for Photography

The day after 200 images were dropped off to be hung for the Odyssey Exhibition at the Pennsylvania Center for Photography in March of 2020, the Governor made the wise decision to recommend closing all non-essential businesses due to the rapid spread of Covid. We followed his recommendation and soon after made the decision that we could not afford to incur the costs associated with leasing a space that couldn't be used. Although the crisis has been mitigated to a large degree, the passage of time has altered our priorities.
While the PCP's return to a physical structure has not been ruled out completely, our focus has been on personal projects and will remain so for the immediate future. Though it is impossible to clearly see the future, what I do know is that the six years with the PCP has been a wonderful experience for us and that our lives are much richer from the friendship and support so many of you have shared with us. “Thank You” does not begin to cover our appreciation, but it will have to do until we can meet again and greet each other personally with warm smiles and hugs.
Wishing you good health and happiness,
Henry and Nancy Rowan
PS. Individual and small group instruction has continued on a remote and on-location basis. If you are interested, drop us an email at